Brodey, Kenneth
American horror three terrifying tales Edgar Alan Poe ; text adaptation, notes and activities by Kenneth Brodey - 2nd ed. rev., 1st repr. - Barcelona Vicens Vives 2006 - 110 p. il. col. 21 cm 1 CD-DA - Black cat. Reading & Training .
"Step Four B2.1, Reading & Training"--Cubierta
Lengua inglesa--Lecturas
American horror three terrifying tales Edgar Alan Poe ; text adaptation, notes and activities by Kenneth Brodey - 2nd ed. rev., 1st repr. - Barcelona Vicens Vives 2006 - 110 p. il. col. 21 cm 1 CD-DA - Black cat. Reading & Training .
"Step Four B2.1, Reading & Training"--Cubierta
Lengua inglesa--Lecturas